The ground floor of Simon Hall houses the MetaCyt Biomolecular NMR Laboratory, a cutting-edge facility for biomolecular structure and dynamics determination. This facility contains a dedicated 800 MHz Varian Inova and a 600 MHz Varian Inova NMR spectrometer. Both systems possess cryogenic probes. At the end of 2017, the 600 MHz spectrometer will be upgraded to a state-of-the-art Bruker Avance Neo console and triple-resonance cryogenic probe, yielding 1H sensitivity = 6800:1. This system will include a double resonance broad banded probe for observation of 19F and 31P.
The Chemistry department’s Nuclear Magnetic Resonance facility consists of seven Varian spectrometers in three laboratories with an experienced staff of professional Ph.D. scientists. The undergraduate teaching laboratory contains a full featured 200 MHz instrument. The Chemistry department NMR lab features four Varian spectrometers from 300MHz to 500MHz for work on liquid samples. The 400 MHz spectrometers feature 4-nucleus probes and gradients for multidimensional and multinuclear NMR experiments. The 500 MHz instrument is a full featured 3 channel instrument with a variety of probes and 3 axis gradients. It is used to perform almost any modern NMR experiment from demanding BioNMR experiments to diffusion studies and microimaging.
Location: SI 037